Inteyvat is an unofficial Genshin fanzine containing artworks, fanfictions, and merch dedicated to our beloved abyss twin. The book will be printed in full color, A5, and feature ~20 page artists, 4-7 merch artists, and 4-7 writers.This zine is not in any way affiliated or endorsed by Hoyoverse and the official creators of Genshin Impact.


15 February 2023Preorders OPEN
7 April 2023Production
February 2024All Preorders Shipped
5 April 2024Leftovers OPEN
19 April 2024Leftovers CLOSED
End of AprilProject Conclusion


Q. What is a zine?
A. A zine is a self-published book that compiles original pieces of art, fanfiction, and sometimes other media! A fanzine specifically features a certain franchise.
Q. What is the rating of this zine?
A. This project will be SFW, but do note that there may be some darker themes/topics/imagery such as tragedy and war.
Q. How many contributors are you looking for?
A. Inclusive of guests, we will have a total of 25-30 page artists, 4-7 merch artists, and 4-7 writers.
Q. Is this zine for-profit or for-charity?
A. This zine will be for-profit.
Q. Will this zine contain spoilers?
A. Due to the nature of our theme, this zine is likely to contain some spoilers relating to the Genshin storyline; however, we will not be featuring any leaked content. Any headcannons in this zine that end up being cannon in the future Genshin storyline is purely coincidental.
Q. Is there an age requirement for contributors?
A. We ask that all applicants be at least 16 years of age at the time of application. All applicants interested in receiving profit should have access to a Paypal account; otherwise, they may choose to forfeit profit.
Q. Will ships be allowed/featured?
A. No, romantic ships will not be featured.
Q. Do we have to play Genshin/be knowledgeable about the game to apply?
A. You do not have to play the game, but we ask that all applicants have a basic understanding of the existing abyss lore or be willing to learn.
Q. What does the theme "Abyss Traveler" encompass?
A. The theme "Abyss Traveler" means that the main focus of each piece should portray the twin known as the "Abyss Prince/Princess" and leads the Abyss Order. Due to the scarce amount of information we have about the Abyss thus far into Genshin's story, we will be allowing headcannons and cannon-divergent Abyss content.


Finance | Formatting

Hi! I'm Ley and I'm the finance and shipping mod for this zine! I haven't played Genshin in a while but I'm excited to see how this zine will turn out.Experience:
Originium (head, management, art, writing, finance, production, shipping)
Libertas (management, production, shipping)
+ page artist for other zines

Formatting | Social Media

Hello!! I identify as a devout Aether liker + angst enjoyerExperience: Please visit Carrd!

General | Art

Hi I'm pom and very confused. I really like my rat.Experience:
Moonlight Threads (intern)
Libertas (head, management, communication)


hi! i love drawing pretty people (like hydro catalyst women) and being bad at games (like genshin)Experience:
let's magical cooking (graphics)
teyvat's divination (head, graphics)
celestial confectionery (graphics)
triple trouble (graphics)
yes, chef! (graphics)


Hello! Very excited to be here~ Love being on the dark side ehehe all hail our abyss leader!Experience:
The Gentlemen of Teyvat (writing mod)
Moments of Solitude (writing mod)
Fleurette (writing mod)
+ many others!

Hi I'm Tian and I'm an intern mod (but also guest artist) for this zine.Experience:
Originium (page artist)
Moonlight Threads (page artist)
Dive Back in Time (page artist)


General Guidelines

NOTE: applications are now over! Thank you for the support.
This zine is ship free.
All applicants must be 16 or over at the time of application (latest July 10).
Please ensure all submitted links are accessible and samples are easily seen. If we cannot view or find your sample work, your submission will be automatically disqualified. You can test the accessibility of your link by opening it on an incognito browser!
Feel free to apply for multiple roles, but do note that you will only be accepted for one.
Samples should be appropriately tagged for any sensitive content. NSFW content will NOT be reviewed; please omit any NSFW content in your portfolio (either remove completely or hide behind another folder/section). Failure to adhere will result in immediate disqualification.
Note that we will not accept applicants that engage in hateful, discriminatory, and otherwise harmful activities towards real people/groups; or applicants with a history of plagiarism (including tracing, concept/design theft, copying, and sale of work not belonging to them).
Failure to adhere in any listed guidelines may result in disqualification.

Contributor Expectations

All accepted contributors are expected to join the Discord server, meet deadlines, adhere to zine policy, and communicate with mods when necessary.
Individuals will retain the rights to their pieces, but contributors are prohibited from showing their WIPs (on any SNS or streaming platform) or re-distributing their work until pre-orders close, with the exception of contributor previews.
All contributors are guaranteed a free copy of the digital PDF as the baseline compensation. Profits made from preorders will go towards compensating contributors with full bundles + free shipping.
Page Artists - may take up to 2 pages. They may create single-page illustrations, two-page spreads, or skin/design concepts. Final art submission must be 300 DPI and CMYK format.
Merch Artists - are expected to create 2-3 pieces of merch. These will be assigned. Final art submission must be 300 DPI and CMYK format. Final production of the merch will be done by the mod team.
Writers - are expected to create one 1.5k-2.5k word fanfiction. They may additionally create another single-paged piece (either a poem, letter, or diary entry).

Page Artist Guidelines

Please submit a portfolio containing 5-10 pieces that reflect the style and quality of work you plan to create for this zine. If your portfolio exceeds 10 pieces, we will simply review the first 10.
Submissions should reflect the type of piece you would like to create (e.g. if you want to make a skin design, have some design examples in your portfolio).
Having a Genshin piece is not required, but is appreciated.
Applications will be judged based on anatomy, composition, lighting, color, and grasp on personal style.

Merch Artist Guidelines

Please submit a portfolio containing 5-10 pieces that reflect the style and quality of work you plan to create for this zine. If your portfolio exceeds 10 pieces, we will simply review the first 10.
Submissions should reflect what types of merch you would like to make (e.g. if you want to make die-cut stickers, have some examples that reflect the style of sticker you can make).
Having a Genshin piece is not required, but is appreciated.
Applications will be judged based on anatomy, composition, lighting, color, and how well a style matches the types of merch they are applying for.

Writer Guidelines

Please submit a portfolio containing 3-5 fics that reflect the style and quality of work you plan to create for this zine. Moderators will not review more than 5 pieces or 10k words.
At least ONE piece should be a complete fic, and no single piece should exceed 2.5k words. The rest may be excerpts.
If you are interested in creating a letter/poem/diary entry, please include a complete example in your portfolio that does not exceed 350 words.
Having a Genshin piece, especially one relating to the Abyss, will greatly strengthen your portfolio but is not required.
Applications will be judged based on storytelling, flow, syntax, and characterization. Samples should have minimal grammatical errors.